Knight of Malta Royal Ark Mariners Lodge No. 30
The Royal Ark Mariner degree is also known as the Ancient and Honourable Fraternity of Royal and Ark Mariners, and has been under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons since 1871.
This beautiful and instructive Degree in Freemasonry, in a form that we would recognise today, is around 220 years old and takes it's setting from the circumstances leading up to the Great Flood, the story of Noah and his Sons, and the building of the Ark.
Candidates for membership - or what the Degree terms as being "Elevated" - to be eligible, must have been Advanced as a Mark Master Mason.
The Knight of Malta Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners No. 30 is one of niine Royal Ark Mariner Lodges in the Province of Leicestershire and Rutland.
The Lodge was Warranted and Consecrated in 1988, and year on year has enjoyed a stable membership of around 40. It meets at the Masonic Hall in Hinckley, three times a year - starting at 4. 15. p.m. on the third Thursdays in March and May immediately prior to the Mark No. 30 meetings, and also in November which is our Installation meeting which starts at
Although many think that the Royal Ark Mariners Degree was worked for the first time in Hinckley from the Consecration of No. 30, it is probably not so, because even after the Knight of Malta Mark Lodge received it' s warrant of Confirmation of 30th June 1870 from Mark Grand Lodge. a Committee reported in the same year that there was nothing to prevent the Royal Ark Mariner Degree being worked in a Mark Lodge, and it is a pleasant thought to know that the Ceremony of Elevation was probably worked in Hinckley all those years ago.
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