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There are currently five Craft Masonic Lodges, one Chapter of the Holy Royal Arch, one Mark Master Masons Lodge and one Royal Ark Mariners Lodge which meet at the Hinckley Masonic Hall. In May 2019 we saw he Consecration of a new Lodge in Hinckley. This is the Hinckley Lodge of Installed Masters No. 9972  and this is the first Lodge to be formed since 1976 in the town. 

The sub-menu on this page will take you to the relevant page for each of the eight lodges. There are now two Hinckley Lodges with their own internet presence, these being the Burbach Lodge No. 8699 and the Sparkenhoe Lodge No. 8063. As development of sites for the other Lodges progresses, links to these will be added to the site.


The Four Craft Lodges

Knights of Malta Lodge No. 50

The Lodge is the Mother Lodge of the three other Craft Lodges which meet at Hinckley. The Lodge now has an extended presence on this web-site, the content of which you can explore by clicking here or on the link on the menu list at the left side of this page. Additionally you can contact the Lodge by using This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Sparkenhoe Lodge No. 8063

The first daughter Lodge of The Knights of Malta founded in 1966.


Burbach Lodge No 8699

The second of the daughter Lodges of The Knights of Malta, founded in 1976. The web-site can be accessed here and you may contact the Lodge by using This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Lodge of St. Simon & St. Jude No. 8729

The third daughter Lodge of the Knights of Malta Lodge, founded in 1976. You may contact the Lodge by using This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Hinckley Installed Masters Lodge No. 9972

The Crest of Lodge No 9972

The fourth daughter Lodge of the Knights of Malta Lodge, founded in 2019. You may contact the Lodge by using this This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Chapter of The Holy Royal Arch

Knights of Malta Chapter No. 50

The Chapter is currently the only one to meet in Hinckley and was founded in 1973. You may contact the Chapter by using This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Mark Master Masons Lodge

Knight of Malta Mark Master Masons Lodge No. 30

The Mark Lodge which meets at Hinckley, founded in 1870 - the "Time Immemorial" Lodge. You may contact the Lodge by using This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Royal Ark Mariners Lodge

Knight of Malta Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners No 30

The Royal Ark Mariners Lodge which meets at Hinckley, founded in 1988. You may contact the Lodge by using This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.